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Poses of Yoga for Experts

In above chapter I have described some basic poses which are for beginners
and now I am going to teach you some advanced poses which are for pro

  •  The bridge yoga pose
  •  The plough yoga pose
  •  The forward bend yoga pose
  •  The locust yoga pose:
  •  The bow yoga pose
  •  The half spinal twist yoga pose

Expert Positions

Once you have progressed from beginner’s level to a higher level then, you
need to change your poses and exercise some advanced poses because these
poses will be more effective on you and you will not feel any trouble in
implementing these advanced poses.

The Bridge Yoga Pose

This pose is a difficult pose and it is practiced when you are coming out of
shoulder pose. To execute this pose perfectly, you need a very strong spine.
If you are weak from your back then, you do not need to execute this pose
as it can hurt your back.

The Plough Yoga Pose

This is another advanced pose which is for those people who have
developed supreme kind of flexibility and strength in their muscles by
practicing all the other ordinary poses of yoga. You can search internet and
you will find exact pictures depicting this pose and you can execute it at
your own after wards.

The Forward Bend Yoga Pose

This is another very difficult pose and in order to execute it you need to
hold the toe ends of your feet for several deep breaths. This is also
dangerous for people with any back problems because your back will suffer
a full bend and if you have slight problem in your back then, it will invoke
that problem.

The Locust Yoga Pose

This is another very tough pose but the difficulty is not in executing it but in
holding it for several minutes and as usual, it also needs a very strong back.
You should practice on basic poses and develop your back muscles to
execute these poses effectively.

The Bow Yoga Pose

This yoga pose is just for expert yogis because it is difficult to execute and
even more difficult to hold. You need tons of stamina and back strength
which comes from years of practice. If someone challenges you to execute
this pose then, you should think twice before accepting the challenge.

The Half Spinal Twist Yoga Pose

As it is evident from the name that it requires your spine to get twisted and
to twist your spine, you need a back like rock which should never bother
you in any position.
These are some of the yoga poses which are very difficult to execute and if
you have noticed something that all of the above mentioned poses require
very strong back.
They involve your back in the process somehow which demands that you
should practice on regular and easy poses and develop your back so much
that you can execute these advanced poses of yoga.

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